5 Benefits of Installing Rain Sensors in Your Garden

When gardening is your passion, a well-equipped irrigation system is a necessity. There are different types of irrigation systems that are designed to work with any garden. Installing rain sensors will ensure that your irrigation system is deactivated during rain and freezing weather. The sensors help in reducing wastage of water, while keeping your plants hydrated and healthy.

This post discusses the various benefits associated with installing rain sensors along with your irrigation system.

Help Conserve Water

The primary purpose of rain sensors is to conserve water by detecting natural rain and turning off the sprinklers. When there is enough rainfall, the irrigation and sprinkler systems will stop automatically. As a result, water wastage will be reduced. Rain water is also a source of minerals that can provide sufficient nutrients to your plants. Certain types of sensors can detect water evaporating, and power the sprinklers only when watering is essential.

• Prevent Water Damage

Over watering and water-logging often leads to different plant diseases. It can wash away essential nutrients in the top soil which affect plant health. Using the rain sensors helps to prevent this situation and also avoids combined water logging from rain and sprinklers. Once the soil dries up, the sensor will activate the sprinklers again. This automatic system saves you a lot of time and manual labour.

• Increase the Irrigation System’s Lifespan

The rain sensors that are being used, along with the irrigation system, enables the sprinklers and drip tubes to rest. When water constantly moves through the pipeline, the longevity of the device decreases. The more you rely on rain water, the less your irrigation system will become overworked. Since the operation time of the irrigation system is minimized, it will experience less damage from frequent use.

• Save Significant Money

Operating the irrigation system regularly increases your water and electricity bill. When the rain sensors turn off the system from time to time, you can save on your monthly expenses. Moreover, you can also save on products as excessive watering will no longer strip your garden’s nutrients and require additional external fertilizers. Also, when the longevity of the system is extended, you won’t have to replace the parts as frequently.

• Minimize Groundwater and Waterway Pollution

When soil gets saturated with water, it leads to excess water along with debris, known as runoff. Irrigation systems with rain sensors prevent runoff carrying herbicides, motor oil, fertilizers, and other chemical wastes from seeping into the ground water system or entering the waterways. With minimized pollution your garden soil becomes enriched.

Rain sensors are cost-efficient installations that conserve water, reduce energy bills, increase the life span of your irrigation system and help keep your garden soil well-nourished. Come and explore the different types of rain sensors at Green Valley Irrigation to find the best options for your garden or lawn.