8 Beautiful and Easy-to-Grow Plants (A Beginner’s Guide for New Gardeners)

Do you love plants? Ever wonder why you can’t keep them alive?

Being unable to make their garden thrive is heartbreaking for plant lovers, but it’s understandable if you’re a gardening newb. The best way to begin your horticultural journey is with plants that can thrive in any type of weather and require the least maintenance.

Still learning about gardening and need an easy start? Let’s examine some plants that aren’t so easy to kill!

8 Awesome Plants That Are Easy to Grow 

There are lots of beautiful plants you may want to be part of your garden, but some just aren’t that easy to grow. Many are difficult to keep alive unless you dedicate a significant amount of time to their care.

Here are some of the most beautiful plants that are also relatively low maintenance:

1. Canna Lily


Image Source – https://bit.ly/2uiekNp

The vibrant orange-red flowers of the canna lily plant can instantly transform your garden when in full bloom, and the best part is that they’re easy to grow. Plant the bulbs once the winter frost subsides, then water and cover with mulch. It’s a tropical plant, so once it starts blooming, you’ll need to keep the soil moist. Canna lilies are tolerant to drought, so, once established, they can survive the occasional missed sprinkler session.

2. Cone flowers


Image Sourcehttps://bit.ly/2u7rXiI

A blooming cluster of colourful cone flowers instantly brightens any garden, and they thrive with little maintenance. They’re also tolerant to drought and thrive in both full sunlight and partial shade. Available in a variety of colours, including pink, white, yellow, crimson and orange, cone flowers attract butterflies and bees, making your garden the go-to spot for local fauna.

3. Creeping thyme 


Image Source https://bit.ly/2ugFQLm

If you love to cook and want a colourful garden that’s easy to maintain, creeping thyme is a must-have. It has a pleasant fragrance, grows as a ground-covering shrub in warm weather and rapidly thrives with occasional watering. Many homeowners even use it as a lawn alternative because of its drought resistance and low maintenance. Moreover, its tiny white flowers add to your garden’s beauty.

4. Geraniums


Image Sourcehttps://bit.ly/31prqVa

Geraniums come in a variety of colours and thrive in the summer heat with limited water. This makes it one of the lowest maintenance plants to have in your garden. They bloom annually and the bunched flowers will give your garden a fresh facelift.

5. Texas ranger


Image Sourcehttps://bit.ly/31oKFP1

This evergreen shrub can have white, pink or lavender flowers. Despite its beauty, it’s one of the easiest plants to grow. Plant it somewhere it will get ample sunlight, but it only needs watering in summer (during mornings only) or at times of drought. You can grow Texas rangers in a pot, but it’s a great choice to enhance your home’s curb appeal.

6. Hostas


Image Source https://bit.ly/35l9onE

Do you have a shady yard you want to cover with a leafy, low maintenance plant? Hostas are a perfect choice as they can thrive almost anywhere, and watering them every morning (albeit generously) is all it takes to keep their green and gold leaves healthy. Having such low maintenance ground cover plants will also relieve your sprinkler system and help you conserve water.

7. Cosmos


Image Sourcehttps://bit.ly/31msnhf

Cosmos bloom annually and can be grown both as a hedge plant as well as in a container. Plant them in the sunny parts of your garden and they will thrive with a minimum of maintenance and watering. (In fact, they’re drought tolerant.) Moreover, you don’t need to reseed them every year as these plants can do that on their own.

8. Coreopsis


Image Source https://bit.ly/2uYAFQe

Also referred as tickseed or pot of gold, coreopsis owes its common names to its yellow and brown flowers which are the most widely available variants. You can also find these perennial/annual flowers in white, pink, red and orange. Like cosmos, they can be grown as bordering hedges.

Growing and maintaining a thriving garden before you’ve earned your green thumb can be a taxing job and calls for professional attention. But if you want to add a personal touch to your garden without putting in too much time and effort, the above-mentioned plants are some of the easiest to grow.