Gardening Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

For most people, gardening is more than just a hobby; it’s a passion. However, climate change is threatening the experience across the world. We are currently living in a time when humans are pumping huge amounts of carbon dioxide and various greenhouse gasses which are trapping heat into the atmosphere. There are many factors contributing to this such as burning natural gas, oil and coal in homes, factories, motor vehicles and power plants. Hence, it is imperative for us to find different ways through which we can reduce the use of fossil fuels. Its depletion is what’s causing the earth’s... Read more

How an Automated Irrigation System Can Be Beneficial for Your Garden

Most homeowners are under the wrong impression that it’s more cost efficient to hose their gardens. However, what they fail to realise is that when they install an automated irrigation system, it can reduce their water bills and prevent any kind of uneven watering all while maintaining the lawn’s health. Furthermore, an efficient irrigation system will help increase the value of your home and help you save a lot of time. Here are some reasons why you should consider implementing an automated irrigation system in your garden. Helps prevent uneven watering Once you’ve installed an automated irrigation system, you’ll obviously... Read more

Tips to Maintain Your Lawn This Spring

As the warmer weather approaches, we begin thinking about spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re having a barbecue or just relaxing under the sun, you will want your yard to look incredible at all times. Doing this isn’t as easy as it sounds, but a bit of effort from your end to keep your lawn healthy this spring can improve the soil condition, prevent weed growth and help your plants have a good life. Here are some landscaping tips to ensure your lawn looks beautiful this spring. Raking the leaves As new leaves grow, you should get rid of the... Read more

6 Reasons Why Gardening is Good for Your Health

Gardening is great for your health and wellbeing. Gardening not only helps your physical well being but your mental health as well. This activity can help mitigate anxiety, depression, reduce stress and also high blood pressure. Furthermore, gardening can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and help improve your immune system. Here are a few reasons why gardening can be good for you. Helps burn calories A lot of hard work usually goes into gardening. An hour of gardening can burn up to 330 calories at a time. When you work in the garden for up to three hours or... Read more

Common Landscaping Mistakes to Avoid

A landscape which is beautifully designed looks inviting and makes people want to enjoy the scenery while savouring the fragrances. It is, however, a difficult feat to accomplish as creating a landscape isn’t, an easy task. After all, if it were easy, everyone would have a stunning landscape. But, it doesn’t have to be so difficult. All you need is to properly know your landscape for it to look magnificent. To ensure that you avoid making some of the most common landscaping mistakes, here are some tips on what to look for. Not having a plan before planting Creating an... Read more

Taking Care of Your Lawn during a Drought

One of the first things to look for in a lawn suffering from a drought is to see whether your feet leaves an impression in the grass as you walk across it. Lawns which are in dire need of water will fail to spring back once it’s been stepped on. Then there are the obvious visual signals which can help you detect it even from a distance. Thirsty grass looks extremely dry and loses its lustre. It will also gradually change colour from shiny and bright green to a very dull grey-green or blue-green tint. As the condition gets worse,... Read more

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Yard

If any of your pets have ticks or fleas, then you’ve probably gone through great lengths to control and get rid of them. You may have washed everything in sight and vacuumed your house from top to bottom in the effort to get rid of those blood-sucking parasites. However, there is another step you must take to ensure your efforts are useful.   Most people tend to forget that their pets also spend a good portion of their time in the yard. Even if you’ve treated them for the fleas, the problem might persist as the fleas will still have... Read more

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Moles and Gophers

It’s extremely disheartening to see a beautiful garden being wrecked by moles and gophers. They have an innate talent and ability to destroy your garden. They can infest your lawn while leaving your neighbour’s garden untouched. You’ll come across a mound of dirt which has been overturned in your yard. This means you have either moles or gophers or maybe both under the ground, who are destroying your garden. They don’t hibernate like many other animals, which is why they need a constant supply of food. They don’t stop digging as they have a continuous need for food. Thankfully, there... Read more

How to Know That Winter Took a Toll on Your Outdoor Landscape

Planting shrubs and trees in your outdoor landscape is more than just an investment. It’s very important for you to protect your investment throughout the year. Failing to do so will result in extra costs for maintenance of your landscape, which can easily be prevented. There are several signs which can tell you that winter wasn’t kind to your plants. However, there are a few solutions you can count on for your plants to thrive once warmer weather returns. Here are certain signs which can typically be seen in plants which have suffered damage during the colder months and some... Read more

How to Create a Dog-Friendly Lawn

Building an outdoor space which is comfortable for both you and your pet is important. Dogs love spending time outdoors. They love playing around in gardens as it’s closer to their natural habitat. Though they don’t mean to be destructive, there are still several ways in which your lawn may suffer. Hence, while designing your lawn, consider your dog’s needs and incorporate a few changes to make it pet-friendly. These simple additions are sure to guarantee everybody has a good time. Keep them in the yard Keeping them close ensures their safety. Dogs are curious animals by nature and sooner... Read more