What to Consider When Choosing Your Garden Irrigation System

We all know that life could not exist without water. But  too much or too little can harm your  lawn.

But how many homeowners know exactly how much water their lawns and plants need?

Installing a garden irrigation system with Green Valley Irrigation can prevent over- and under-watering.

A lawn watering system can distribute water to your lawn and favourite flower plants in the most convenient way. But the challenge lies in choosing the best one for your property.

But not to worry! Here, we discuss five key factors that will help you select the best residential irrigation system.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Irrigation System for Your Lawn or Garden  

Rain doesn’t fall on a schedule. So, if you want to grow a lush green garden, investing in an irrigation system is the answer. An automatic sprinkler system saves you both water and money by only using the amount of water truly required to keep your greenery healthy.

But selecting the right one can be tricky. Here, you will learn the five key factors to consider before choosing a garden irrigation system.

1. Type of Soil 

Different types of soil have different properties. These include the capacity to hold water, water penetration, and absorption rates. The type of soil in your garden will decide how it absorbs water and, hence, your irrigation system.

For example, clay soil will absorb more water than sandy soil. But, because of how fast it drains, the latter tends to dry out in summer. That’s why sandy soils require frequent applications of water to retain moisture in the root zone. On the other hand, clay soil holds moisture longer but may require more frequent applications at a lower rate to prevent runoff.

So, consider the moisture-holding capacity and  water-holding rate of the soil on your property when selecting the right irrigation system for your garden.

There are two types of irrigation systems: one that distributes water to the root zone and one that scatters water through the air. Consult our irrigation experts to decide which is right for your garden.

2. The Size of Your Garden 

If you have a small garden then a watering can or hose is sufficient to water the entire area properly. You can make a routine of watering your lawn while you observe your garden.

If you have a large garden, a watering can is not suitable. You can use a hose, but if you want to evenly distribute water over a large area without wasting water, a sprinkler system is the ideal solution. Measure your lawn and the number of plants. If you have a very large space with lots of plants, go for a larger irrigation system with more sprinkler heads.

3. Water Quality and Availability 

These are two important things to consider when choosing a garden irrigation system. The source of water is also important since lawns require a significant amount of steady water flow. What is your source of water? A lake? A pond? A water tank? You have to ensure steady access to water because the demands of your plants are continuous during the growing season. A water source with a low discharge rate is best used in an irrigation system with frequent applications.

Another thing to consider is whether the water contains any chlorine or other minerals. Water for irrigation should have a pH between 5.0 and 7.0. Natural rainwater is pure and can be directly used. But normal tap water can damage plants if it contains a high level of unwanted minerals or bacteria. Consider testing your water for water-borne pathogens before using it.

4. Local Weather 

Local weather patterns – specifically average rainfall – are also important factors when installing and scheduling your irrigation system. For example, if you live in an area that is prone to rain, you should not turn on too many sprinklers, as that would flood your lawn and damage your plants.

During a dry spell, you want to make sure all your sprinklers are evenly installed across the lawn to provide enough water. Sprinklers are not recommended in high-wind or low-humidity areas as water loss can happen due to evaporation. Drip irrigation works better in these conditions.

5. Types of Plants 

Last but not least, the plants in your garden will greatly decide the kind of irrigation system you will be installing. For instance, drip emitters are recommended for herb gardens and sprinklers are usually the best choice for turf areas.

If you have a vegetable garden, seedlings and flowering vegetables will need more water than mature plants. One dripper can serve one or two plants in regular gardening (when grown in rows) and one plant in container gardening.

Summer is when people usually consider installing a lawn irrigation system. Find an irrigation system that can take care of all your garden’s needs. Consider all the above-mentioned factors and consult with Green Valley Irrigation’s experts before making your final decision.