It’s extremely disheartening to see a beautiful garden being wrecked by moles and gophers. They have an innate talent and ability to destroy your garden. They can infest your lawn while leaving your neighbour’s garden untouched. You’ll come across a mound of dirt which has been overturned in your yard. This means you have either moles or gophers or maybe both under the ground, who are destroying your garden. They don’t hibernate like many other animals, which is why they need a constant supply of food. They don’t stop digging as they have a continuous need for food. Thankfully, there are several home remedies which can help get rid of them from your garden.
Castor oil repellent
Castor oil is easily accessible and a well-known home remedy used to get rid of moles and gophers. This is due to the fact that both moles and gophers get diarrhoea from consuming castor oil. Due to this, they leave their habitat and start searching for a new one. To make the repellent, mix two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid with a quarter cup of castor oil. Dilute two tablespoons of this mixture in a gallon of water and spray it over the infested areas around your garden. It’s sure to get rid of these critters in no time.
Tabasco sauce
Tabasco is an ingredient which is readily available in most households. It’s an effective home remedy to get rid of both moles and gophers. You’ll need tabasco sauce, castor oil, peppermint oil and water. Mix half a cup of castor oil into a cup of water with a teaspoon of Tabasco sauce and a few drops of peppermint oil until it’s blended completely. Put the mixture in a bottle and place some cotton balls in it and let it soak for a while. Then place the cotton balls in the holes dug by the gophers and moles. They’re bound to leave your garden alone when you use this.
Mothballs are another repellent which is easily available and can be used to get rid of them without harming them. It’s inexpensive yet effective. You simply need to place several mothballs at the entrance of the tunnels dug by these pests. The balls can be wrapped in plastic to keep their smell intact for a longer amount of time. They’ll run away from the strong smell and look for a new home. However, remember that this remedy can only be used on a minor infestation and not on a garden which is heavily infested. This is also a temporary solution and mustn’t be relied on solely.
Some plants are said to be very successful in keeping them away from your yard. You need to do proper research and find out which ones are the most effective. Once you find which work best, get the saplings form a nursery and plant them in your garden. Some commonly available plants such as marigold, castor bean and daffodil are a few options to consider for this purpose as these pests hate the smell and taste of all of them.
Remember to wear gloves while handling all of the remedies suggested above. These rodents can destroy your garden and hence it’s absolutely necessary to chase them away. These are a few home remedies which are extremely effective at getting rid of moles and gophers and can be given a try.