How to Use a Lawn Irrigation System for Efficient Summer Watering

Are you looking for the best lawn sprinkler service in Toronto? Proper watering is essential when it comes to taking care of your lawn.

But do you know how often you should water it this summer?

When it comes to watering summer lawns, not irrigating them correctly can hurt your grass more than help it.

Trying to figure out how often to water your lawn, as well as how deeply and for how long, can be tricky. Watering too little can make your lawn dry and patchy, while overwatering can make it vulnerable to rot or disease.

Fortunately, you have arrived at the right post. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about how to water your lawn properly to keep it green, healthy and hydrated.

What Is the Best Time to Water Your Lawn in Summer?


This is one of the most frequent questions we get from customers, especially when temperatures start to climb. Homeowners start to wonder how they can adjust or improve their watering schedule to ensure their lawn stays green and vibrant.Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to watering your lawn in summer. So, simply remembering to water it is not enough. There are many factors to consider when it comes to deciding how much water your lawn needs, such as:

  • The amount of shade the lawn receives
  • Its soil type
  • The type of grass growing there
  • Weather and temperature.

The amount of water your lawn needs can be decided based on these factors. But when it comes to deciding when to water your lawn in summer, you can’t water it anytime you wish. For example, watering your lawn on a hot summer afternoon is a bad idea because the liquid will evaporate almost immediately and not reach the grass’s roots.

Before 9 a.m. is the best time to water your lawn this summer. At that time, it should be cool enough for the nutrients to get into the soil. This will allow your turf to stay refreshed the entire day. The winds are also generally calmer, allowing the grass to absorb water before it evaporates.

We realize that not everyone is home in the morning to water. In that case, you can remedy the situation by consulting with Green Valley Irrigation’s experts to automate your lawn irrigation system.

Many people prefer watering in the evening. But evening irrigation can attract pests and lead to lawn disease. Instead, try to do it between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. during the summer. This will allow grass to dry before dark.

1. Watering Frequency: How Much Water Should I Use?

So, how often should you water your lawn during the summer?

Well, not every day. Grass should have 1 to 1 ½” of water each week during the summer, either from rainfall or irrigation. Your turf should receive about 1/3” of water every two days to maintain deeper roots. It will also help them to protect against drought.

So, alternate watering every other day for best results. The specific time, like the number of minutes for each watering, will vary from lawn to lawn. This will depend on factors like the size of your lawn, the type of sprinkler you have, and its settings.

Here is an easy method called the Tuna Can Test which you can do to figure out the number of minutes you should water your lawn. Tuna cans are 1” tall. Empty one and set it in your lawn where the sprinkler hits. Turn on the sprinkler and check the can over the course of several minutes to see how long it takes to accumulate ½” of water. Use this information to decide how many minutes you need to water your lawn.

2. Did You Check Your Sprinkler System?

To ensure proper watering, the size of your sprinkler system should correspond to the size and shape of your yard. The following is a list of different types of sprinklers.

  • In-ground Sprinklers: These sprinkler heads pop up automatically to deliver a precise amount of water and retract when done.
  • Stationary Sprinklers: These are ideal for small lawns or specific areas of grass.
  • Traveling Sprinklers: These work well with large lawns that require regular watering across their entire surface.
  • Rotary Sprinklers: These are used for medium to large lawns and deliver water in a circular motion.
  • Impact Sprinklers: They are best for watering shrubbery, trees, and lawns but are not suitable for flower beds. This is because their powerful water stream can damage delicate flowers or foliage.
  • Oscillating Sprinklers:These fan-type sprinklers are great for large, square lawns.
  • Pulsating Sprinklers: These are ideal for watering larger areas as they disperse water from a single jet. They are usually adjustable in order to water in full and partial circles.

We hope this guide has given you a fundamental idea of how to water your lawn. Of course, taking care of it does not only mean watering it. You also need to make sure that it is not overwatered. So, keep an eye out for puddles and run-off, as these are signs of overwatering. Likewise, make sure you are not watering the street or sidewalks, as these waste both money and water. If you need any assistance in regard to irrigation services, don’t hesitate to call Green Valley Irrigation at 416-677-4874.