The Ultimate Guide to Lawn Mowing – Tips to Maintain Your Yard

When it comes to lawn care, mowing is important because it impacts the whole look of your lawn. Mowing your lawn, the right way significantly boosts its health and quality. By implementing effective mowing methods, you can maintain a beautiful lawn throughout the growing season. This blog post will guide you on how to mow your lawn like a professional.


Tips to Mow Your Lawn Like a Pro

Lawn Mowing As Per Seasonal Trends

Consider your lawn’s seasonal changes and adjust lawn care and maintenance techniques accordingly. In spring, choose the highest setting for your mower and trim grass only when it is dry. When spring is nearing its end, grass starts to grow faster, so increase mowing frequency to every two weeks. Keep your grass cutting height to approximately 1.5 inches. Do not go shorter just to save yourself some work later on! With the arrival of summer, grass starts growing slower. Again, try to mow your grass every two weeks.

When weather is extremely hot and dry, increase your mower’s cutting height. If your grass is prone to developing moss, lower the mowing height. In October, increase your cutting height as it is time to stop mowing for the year.

Understanding Positive and Negative Outcomes of Lawn Mowing

Once you understand the positive and negative effects of lawn mowing, you can do what it takes to make your lawn look perfect. As mowing grass leaves behind natural compost, leave grass clippings on the lawn to recycle nutrients into the soil. By doing this, your lawn will not require much fertilizer, saving you money. As grass clippings act as a natural mulch to keep soil moist and cold, you do not need to bear excess sunlight and water. Regular lawn mowing also reduces weeds in the yard. Use a broadcast granular spreader to feed your lawn and disperse fertilizer.

If you cut grass too short, it leads to a shallow root system. This can create an issue in summer as heat damages your grass. Too much sun overheats soil exposed by short grass and dries it out over time. When the soil gets overexposed to sunlight and water, it increases weed growth. But if you apply the right mowing techniques, you can control the growth of weeds. Don’t forget a pair of comfortable gloves to protect your hands from cuts and other injuries.

Using the Right Tools to Cut Grass

For the best results in lawn mowing, you need to use the right tools and equipment. Before getting started, pick out a good lawnmower. Do you have a big lawn? A riding lawn mower may be the best choice. If you have a medium-sized lawn, go for a self-propelled mower. To cut grass in a small yard, invest in a push mower. Besides a lawnmower, make sure to have gloves, a string trimmer, a leaf blower, rake, hand trowel, spreader and sprayer ready.

Note: mowing wet grass can cause disease. Slippery wet grass may also lead to accidents. Mow your grass in the late morning after dew has had a chance to evaporate. Avoid cutting grass in the afternoon as sunlight can damage grass directly at that time. It is always advisable to mow your grass in the evening.

Application of Potent Lawn Mowing Techniques

It is advisable to plant grass suited to your climate to keep your lawn in good shape.  Use a pre-emergent herbicide specially formulated to deal with crabgrass and prevent the growth of unwanted weeds. Mow your lawn frequently and do not cut off more than one-third of the grass. Sharpen and maintain your blades regularly to trim grass nicely.

Morning is the perfect time to water your lawn as the afternoon sun will dry out grass too quickly. Never water your lawn at night as it extends moisture across the lawn and causes fungal diseases. Water your lawn less frequently but until moisture gets down a few inches under the soil.

By taking care of your lawn, you enhance the whole look of your home. Having read this, lawn mowing may now seem like a less complicated affair.  However, if you still need help, do not hesitate to hire a professional lawn care service.