How to Winterize Your Garden in the Fall

Winterizing a garden can differ from home to home. This is why it’s a good idea to examine your entire garden and customize the winterizing accordingly. It may depend on several factors such as the location, how old your garden is, etc. Well-established and healthy plants might not need as much protection and attention as newly planted ones. The general rule is, prevention is the best medicine when preparing your garden for the winter months.

Bring the tropical plants indoors

If you have potted tropical plants which you want to keep around until summer, bring them indoors. Tropical plants cannot stand the cold temperatures or the frost. Out in the cold, their root systems won’t be well-protected in fibreglass or plastic pots. Clean them, taking out the dead leaves and blooms. Repot the plant if required. Check for bugs before bringing them indoors. These bugs could damage your other plants.

Thoroughly weed the garden

Make sure the garden is well weeded. Be careful to get rid of any invasive weeds which may have made their way into your garden. Your garden should be as healthy as possible before heading into the cold weather.

Bundle-up the new shrubs

Burlap can be used to wrap up newly planted shrubs and trees. It’s extremely important to protect the new plants from the snow and the bitter winds. A thin or a thick layer of burlap can help them weather the season till they’re further established.

Divide perennials

Fall is a great time to divide the different varieties of plants. The general rule is to divide them up to 6 weeks prior to the ground freezing so they’re established by the time the cold weather arrives.

Spread some mulch

This is extremely important for newly planted perennials which haven’t had enough time to develop an extensive root system. It’s best to wait till the ground has frozen to add a thick layer of mulch to your garden. The mulch helps keep the ground consistently frozen or cold till spring time. This prevents thaw cycles in the soil which may cause it to heave or uproot new plants.

Create windbreaks

Exposed evergreens are vulnerable to windburn. Before the ground starts to freeze in the fall, drive three stakes in the ground, on the plant’s windward side which you want to protect. The stakes should form a ‘V”. The front should be facing the wind. Wrap landscape fabric or burlap around the stakes. It isn’t necessary to cover the entire plant.

These tips and tricks are sure to come in handy. It’s an important step to ensure the garden produces colourful flowers in the spring.