Amazing Tips to Protect Your Lawn from Excessive Rain

Rain can be a blessing for many severe landscape issues. It contains nutrients essential for the survival of trees, plants and grass. But heavy rain can cause fungal diseases and weed growth from which it may take weeks to recover. There are, however, several ways to repair your lawn after a heavy rain and prevent future damage. This blog outlines tips and tricks to deal with such issues.


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How to Help a Lawn Recover from Heavy Rain

After a prolonged rain or storm, your lawn may appear to be underwater. Water accumulates in low-level areas that overflow the lawn and cause damage. Obviously make sure your sprinkler system is turned off during any rainfall. To allow your lawn to recover from overwatering, let it dry before walking on it. Remove twigs, leaves and other wastes to minimize the chances of fungal diseases spreading. If it looks yellow, fertilize it properly. Flooding can remove nutrients from grass, and fertilization can help your lawn recover in a shorter time.

  1. 1. Build Swales to Control Storm Water Runoff

One of the major causes of water resource pollution is storm water runoff. Building swales can control it. A swale is a hollow or low area that redirects water drainage.  It cannot stop rainfall but can protect your lawn from flooding by channelling the water to a drainage area. Add plants, rocks and pebbles to the lowest point of a swale to control the speed of water flow to the drainage area.

Controlling storm water runoff not only protects your lawn from excessive rainfall and saves on utility bills, it also filters out pollutants and allows storm water infiltration. If you find it too difficult to build a swale, you can divert your rain spouts to control the water flow.

  1. 2. Upgrade Your Irrigation

Just as technology is constantly advancing, irrigation systems are also evolving. If yours is quite old, it is time to upgrade it with smart controllers and rain sensors. Such advanced features let you monitor your landscape and detect issues as soon as they occur. Smart controllers make it easy to decide when and how to water your soil. They come with weather sensors that assess different factors such as precipitation and humidity to give your lawn the right amount of water every week. Rain sensors detect natural rainfall and shut off your sprinkler system until the rain stops; they stop functioning the moment soil attains the required moisture level.

  1. 3. Follow a Lawn Maintenance Schedule

You cannot control rain but you can take steps to reduce the damage it causes to your lawn during the next rainfall. Follow a proper lawn maintenance routine to detect and eradicate potential issues before they occur. Trim your trees regularly to prevent tree limbs from falling and causing damage to your property. When you remove fallen leaves and debris, it makes it difficult for vegetative diseases to spread.

Inspect your property the next time it rains. Do you see water flowing off pavement, driveways and roofs? Install a rain garden to reduce the amount of water that remains trapped aboveground. Maintain your lawn on a routine basis so it can withstand heavy rainfall. For excellent lawn maintenance, you can always hire professionals.

Additional Tips to Prevent Lawn Damage from Excessive Rainfall

You can take certain preventative measures to protect your lawn from heavy rainfall and flooding. They include:

  • Cleaning drains and gutters so your lawn or garden does not flood
  • Lifting your garden beds to minimize the chance of flooding
  • Aerating dense soil for efficient draining
  • Maintaining a proper grass height when mowing your lawn before a heavy storm. Remember, long grass absorbs more water than short grass.
  • Adding layers of rock and gravel around plants
  • Combining soil with rock or shale in areas prone to saturation to create air pockets that let water pass via the root zone
  • Installing piping at root bases in a gravel bed when planting new trees. Stretching piping outward close to the trunk will let oxygen penetrate from the surface.

A well-maintained lawn adds value to your property. An overwatered lawn caused by excessive rain detracts from its overall look. Follow the above-mentioned tips to protect your lawn from heavy rainfall.